King Elementary - Family Newsletter
updated 2/3/25
Food Service Updates-
All families should fill out the free and reduced forms! Although all students have access to free breakfast and lunch every day, families still must complete the free/reduced form to be eligible for waived fees.
Our breakfast and lunch menus:
Community Eligibility Provision: Parent Letter
- Your Student Services Team -
We are gifted with a fantastic team of student services staff, ready to help!
School psychologist Kari Morrow (Mon/Fri): 920.492.7215
School counselor Angela Watt (Tues/Thurs): 920.481.9403
School social worker Shanna Devos (Mon/Weds/Fri): 920.228.9038
Hello King Families!
Let's show some appreciation to our King Elementary staff by feeding them tasty food on the conference evenings coming up in February! The main entrees for both nights--Thursday, February 20, and Tuesday, February 25--will be catered with the cost covered by ASK. All we need to do is pitch in with contributions of beverages, sides, desserts, and paper products to make each meal complete. Please drop off your items by 9 AM on conference day. Sign up Here. Thank you!
Thank you!
Oral Health Partnership
Your child may qualify for free dental care services. We recently sent home copies of the OHP Flyer, but stop by our office if you need a new copy to fill out!
Chromebook Care
Please encourage your child to handle Chromebooks with care! This document provides some guidance for students as they use these devices daily!
King Facebook
Message from Principal Matt Malcore -
It's nearly the 100th day of school! We've had such a great turnout for our after school events, 5th grade basketball, Girls Who Code, and Boys Who Build (not to mention Chess Club, which happens during recess!). Thank you to the staff and volunteers who are making these extra opportunities available to our students! Be sure to check out the schedule below for upcoming events this spring.
Thank you for supporting your child's education!
- Matt Malcore, principal
Upcoming Events
February 7 - No School
February 17 - Summer School Registration Opens
February 20 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
February 25 - Parent Teacher Conferences
February 28 - No School
March 3 - ASK Monthly Meeting 6:30pm
March 7 - ASK's Family Game Night
March 12 - Trimester 2 Report Cards sent home
March 21 - Author Visit - Baptiste Paul
March 24-28 - Spring Break